At Christ Community, we’re all about growing together in our love for and pursuit of Jesus Christ. Regardless of where you’re at in your spiritual journey, we believe that God has designed this growth to happen in community with one another. Check out the following opportunities to connect and deepen your faith.
Engage Groups
We believe small groups of people getting together for fellowship, Bible study, and service is crucial to living on mission for God. We call these groups Engage Groups, and we've designed them for people across all stages of life—singles, young families, professionals, empty nesters—to minister to one another and with one another. These groups meet in homes throughout the area, and we would love for you to join the closest one to your home!
Midweek Gathering
Join us on Wednesday nights for Midweek, a time for the whole church family to come together and enjoy a time of fellowship and teaching. Every Wednesday night starts with an optional meal, and then we split off into separate age groups for a time to learn together. For adults, the classes focus on applying the truth of God’s word to the day-to-day realities of our lives. Check out a blog post about our ethos behind Midweek. You can also find more information about what kids and students do during Midweek.
The Women’s Ministry at Christ Community is all about developing women into mature disciples as we grow together in the grace of Jesus. This happens through discipleship by studying and applying God’s word, through fellowship by developing biblical relationships to encourage and equip in the Gospel, and through stewardship by extending the work of the church in service and outreach.
Our Bible studies and groups, stewardship opportunities, and fellowship events are all designed to help us develop meaningful friendships, find encouragement, and share in the joys and challenges of life as women of God. If you have questions or need help, contact Kristin Livermore.
Get Involved
Our Women’s Retreat: ABIDE will be September 27 & 28, 2024. On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus spent the evening sharing a meal and teaching his disciples. In John 15, we read that Jesus wanted his disciples—then and now—to understand how vitally important it is to abide—in Him, in His Word, and in obedience. Each session explores the importance of abiding, as well as what it means to walk with Jesus on a daily basis.
- Embassy Suites Indianapolis North
- Overnight option $75
- Commuter option $35
Whether you are new to CCC or have called it home for years, Women's Bible Studies are a great way to connect with your sisters in Christ and grow together in knowing, loving, and serving Christ. Our 2025 Winter/Spring studies vary in length, format and amount of homework. We hope you find one that works for you and join us! Questions? Contact Kristin Kruzich, Women's Ministry Director of Discipleship.
Growing Together in Grace!
Winter/Spring studies begin the week of January 5 & 12.
- Mondays at 9:30am (beginning 1/6), Cost: $15
John: That You May Believe, Kathleen Nielsen. “Only in the focused light of John do we find that first miracle, Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, and many discourses—all wound into John’s narrative to accomplish his aim of lighting up Jesus so that his reader will believe.” 20 lessons, each lesson includes questions for five days, plus helpful context and commentary, to lead to ever-increasing satisfaction, discernment, and delight in God's Word. - Tuesdays at 12:30pm (beginning 1/7), Cost: $11
Revelation (taught by Patti Baird & Stephanie Schwebach, supplemented by Blessed by Nancy Guthrie). The Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to John by God “to show his servants what must soon take place.” This book is filled with mysteries about things to come, including a tiny glimpse of heaven. Revelation is the final warning that the world will surely end and judgment will be certain. - Tuesdays at 6:15pm (1st & 3rd Tues. each month, beginning 1/7)
Tuesdays at 7pm (beginning 1/14)
Thursday 6:30am (beginning 1/16)
Cost: $10
John 13-21 The Place of Greatest Glory, Josh Moody, The Good Book Guide. “The second half of John draws us into the intense 72-hour period covering Jesus’ arrest, execution, and resurrection…As you behold your crucified King, you will be moved by his profound power and humble love as you discover more of what it means to follow him and enjoy life in his name.” - Fridays at 9:30am (Children's Discipleship available) beginning 1/10
Cost: $15
John 10-21, She Reads Truth & Read, Mark, Learn. Follow the She Reads Truth reading guide, and gather weekly to discuss questions, key ideas, context, scripture connections, and application for then and now. Leaders follow Read, Mark, Learn Bible Study as a basis for group time. Only new participants need to purchase a book. - Children's discipleship offered
Life-on-life discipleship groups are a fantastic opportunity for women who are interested in diving deep into applying the truth of God’s word to their day-to-day lives. Intentionally kept smaller in order to foster deeper relationships, these groups involve Bible study, accountability questions, prayer, and are mission-oriented in their focus. These groups start in the Fall and conclude right before Summer.
We believe God has called us to use our gifts and resources to glorify Him and bless His people. Read more about the ways we put this into practice, and click here if you’d like to join or get more info!
- Meals Ministry // The Meals Ministry is a means for us to serve one another well during times of bereavement, illness/injury, or celebration of new birth. When there is a need, an email is sent to the Meals Ministry team. If you are able to help, you sign up; if not, you don't. It's that simple! Would you consider joining the Meals Ministry team?
- Communion Set Up // Once a month, communion is served at Christ Community, and the Women’s Ministry helps set things up beforehand. It’s a behind-the-scenes kind of role, but it’s definitely needed! We would love your help if you’d like to join our team.
This annual event is one of the most well-loved at Christ Community. Our sanctuary is transformed into a delightfully decorated banquet hall where women gather with friends at our tables and are served a delicious meal while we hear from a few of our sisters about the ways God has been working in their lives. We would love for you to join us!
Are you looking for a space to connect with other men as we seek to be formed into more faithful disciples of Jesus? We believe that Jesus calls us as men to follow Him fully and engage boldly in His plan of redemption in our own lives, with our families, and in our spheres of influence. In His grace, Jesus empowers us to do this with courage, humility, and love.
Our groups and studies offer an intentional approach to studying God's Word, allowing for honest exploration of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and a man of God. They also foster an environment where men can openly discuss and address specific challenges, struggles, and questions related to their roles as men, fathers, husbands, and leaders. Our desire is that these opportunities, along with fellowship events throughout the year, provide encouragement and accountability that enable men to grow in their faith and develop a stronger relationship with God and each other. Have questions or need assistance? Contact Bassam Nader to connect.
Get Involved
A Men's Retreat is a great opportunity to get away from the busyness of life, worship God, and spend time with friends. Sign up now to reserve your spot!
The men (and boys) of Christ Community meet the last Saturday of the month from Fall through late Spring for Men's Breakfast. This time of fellowship, worship, and encouragement is a fantastic opportunity to build relationships and spur one another on as we seek to grow as men and brothers in Christ.
Life-on-life discipleship groups are a fantastic opportunity for men who are interested in diving deep into applying the truth of God’s word to their day-to-day lives. Intentionally kept smaller in order to foster deeper relationships, these groups involve Bible study, accountability questions, prayer, and are mission-oriented in their focus. These groups start in the Fall and conclude right before Summer.
Whether you’ve never opened a Bible before or you’d consider yourself a Bible scholar, we’d love to have you join us at one of the several Bible studies that meet at different points throughout the week! Check out our list below, and connect with Bassam Nader, our Men’s Ministry Director, with any questions.
- 6:30-8:00pm // Study on Prayer
Meets weekly at CCC
Led by Larry Vass (all ages)
- 7:00-8:00pm // Gospel of John
Meets weekly at CCC
Led by Bassam Nader (all ages) - 7:00-8:00pm // Gospel Christianity
- Temporarily on Hold -
Meets weekly at CCC
Led by Pastor Josiah Jones (young men’s group)
- 6:00-7:00am // The Book of Joshua
Meets at Starbucks (9545 Meridian St. in Indy)
Led by Brad Hough (all ages) - 6:00-7:30am // The Letter of 1 Corinthians
Meets at The Well Coffeeshop in Fishers
Led by Derrick Rensink (all ages)
7:00-8:30pm // Nehemiah
Meets weekly in CCC Youth Room
Led by Brian Smith (all ages)
- 6:30-7:30am // Colossians
Meets weekly at McDonald's (Carmel Dr. & Keystone)
Led by Lee Wilson (all ages) - 7:00-8:00am // Proverbs
Meets weekly at Indie Coffee Roasters
Led by Andrew Miller (currently full) - 7:30-8:30am // Colossians
Meets at Needler’s Cafe (126th & Gray Rd.)
Led by Pastor Josiah Jones (middle-aged men’s group)